🔥 Use code AVKN40 for 25% off Profile Popularity & Bpoints! 💰🎉 Limited time only! ⏰

🔥 Use code AVKN40 for 25% off Profile Popularity & Bpoints! 💰🎉 Limited time only! ⏰

Shipping & Delivery

After confirming the purchase, we deliver and send the product according to the method you have chosen, either by our shipping agent or through the Express service.

Delivery methods :

Email : most of products or license keys will be delivered to your email.

Friend Code : some products l&v for example  will require you to provide Your friend code so that we will use it to deliver the boosts to your profile

Auto added currency to your wallet: when initiating a payment for crowns directly from our discord bot the crowns will be directly added to your discord account balance.

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